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The Good Life

with Leslie Juvin-Acker

Known for her unparalleled insights and transformative strategies, Leslie has worked with A-list celebrities and high-powered executives alike.


But after years of guiding others toward success, she’s decided to share her own journey and experiences through her blog, "The Good Life."

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The Spiritual Girl's Guide to Politics

All the sage in the world won’t stop children from getting shot in schools. All the meditating at the beach won’t reform unfair wages. All the crystals in your house won’t open up your access to capital.

Stop using spirituality to avoid politics.

Jesus spoke about justice. The Buddha spoke about justice.Both taught that spirituality is not just about inner peace—it’s about action.

I wrote The Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Politics because too many of us are bypassing reality in the name of “good vibes.” But true spirituality is about courage, advocacy, and love in action.

The Spiritual Girl's Guide to Politics with Leslie Juvin-Acker, J.D.

Over the last ten years, I have spoken with many women about politics and spirituality as a psychic medium and as a law student. The most common thing that "spiritual" girls say is, "Well, I'll just keep my vibe high and protect my peace."

That's good. That's the start of what a spiritual girl should do. However, you're not protecting your peace when you let MAGA friends, colleagues, and family members verbally abuse you, financially control you, or exploit others while you stand by and say nothing.

This is not spiritual responsibility. This is spiritual bypassing.

What is spiritual bypassing?

Spiritual bypassing is using spiritual terms, beliefs, or traditions to avoid dealing with situations in your life that cause discomfort or pain. Psychologist John Welwood created this term in the 1980s to describe how people use spirituality as a defense mechanism rather than a tool for spiritual growth.

Spirituality should not be an out, but an opportunity—an opportunity to let love (courage, advocacy, service, and all expressions of love) in to transform the exploitation, abuse, and impoverishment in your community.

What role did Jesus play in politics?

Jesus played a huge role in politics during his lifetime.
Jesus played a huge role in politics during his lifetime.

Jesus played a huge role in politics during his lifetime. The Bible talks about the law of stoning a woman to death—he was obviously against the death penalty because he said only the person without sin could throw the first stone. Everyone dropped their stones. (John 8:1-11)

Jesus talked about taxes. He said, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s." (Matthew 17:24-27)

Jesus condemned corrupt religious and political leaders. He said:

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill, and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy, and faithfulness.” (Matthew 23:23)

To be a Christian—or at the very least, a student of Christ's teachings—is to recognize the role Jesus played in politics and the spiritual perspective on lawmaking and its enforcement.

Of course, the greatest commandment he gave was to love. Any hateful or bigoted rhetoric is the exact opposite of this commandment.

Spiritual & Broke: Avoiding Financial Responsibility

One of the biggest issues I have dealt with in coaching spiritual girls is how broke they are. They want to learn about the law of attraction and how to make more money but don't want to study economics, public policy, or the laws that govern their access to money, high-paying jobs, and housing. They don’t want to learn business principles or participate in the corporate world, favoring the gig economy (which, since the early 2000s, has been a way of branding underemployment—you can thank tax loopholes that prevent you and your partner from having a sustainable full-time job that provides a living wage).

Spiritual girls must learn the ways of the world to understand them. You don't have to live by them, but you must recognize all the ways you are being kept off the playing field in order to get into the economic game.

Which leads me to my next point:

Spirituality demands that you learn about all the ways you are being exploited.

One of the top things I learned in law school was all of the systemic ways that women, minorities, and immigrants are exploited in housing, banking, the corporate world, finance, and more.

Women control the majority of consumer spending and yet don't have a say in the corporate world. Women move the economy and yet have limited access to venture and bank capital. I was so angry about these practices that I wrote a book about it (Coming soon: Bad Laws: How Legal History Reveals American Character).

Spiritual girls often complain about being taken advantage of, not being properly compensated for their efforts, and experiencing burnout from caregiver roles. Well, guess what? These complaints are not just personal—they are part of a systemic exploitation of women’s unpaid labor: childcare, cleaning, executive thinking, mental labor, and more.

Not only are these roles not compensated, but they are also not valued or transferable in the workplace. If you don't see the connection between your own personal struggles and the systemic issues affecting your sisters in your community, then you're not paying attention to the fact that the economic system is designed to burn you out for someone else’s profit.

So, perhaps you don’t subscribe to Christian teachings. Fair enough. What do Buddhist teachings say about justice?

Buddha & The Spiritual Girl's Guide to Politics
Buddha & The Spiritual Girl's Guide to Politics

Buddhism talks about karma, righteous governance, and leadership. The Buddha advised rulers to govern with justice and righteousness.

The Ten Duties of a King are:

  1. Dana (Generosity) – Giving without selfishness.

  2. Sila (Morality) – Maintaining high ethical standards.

  3. Pariccaga (Self-sacrifice) – Putting the welfare of the people before personal gain.

  4. Ajjava (Honesty & Integrity) – Being free from deceit.

  5. Maddava (Gentleness) – Avoiding cruelty and being compassionate.

  6. Tapa (Self-restraint) – Controlling desires and urges.

  7. Akkodha (Non-hatred) – Governing without ill will.

  8. Avihimsa (Non-violence) – Avoiding harm to living beings.

  9. Khanti (Patience & Forgiveness) – Remaining calm and fair.

  10. Avirodha (Upholding Justice) – Enforcing laws fairly and justly.

The core teaching in this philosophy for leaders is:

"A ruler who governs with justice, according to Dharma, will bring prosperity and happiness to his people."(Jataka Tales, Mahasudassana Sutta)

The Spiritual Girl's Guide To Politics: Start with These Steps

  1. Do not avoid political involvement. Do not ignore your personal responsibility to help women, marginalized groups, and children who lack representation in government.

  2. Use your position of privilege to help those in need. If you have time, money, talents, or privilege from your position in life, use them. Advocate for those without power, privilege, or resources.

  3. Understand the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the laws affecting you. Get a copy of The U.S. Constitution For Dummies and read it. Attend a civics class. Take an online course about government. Learn how local politics affect your life.

  4. Hold your representatives accountable. Go to city council meetings. Sign up for the emails of your representatives (even if they’re not from your party). Take a few minutes each week to read what they are saying and doing. Meet them at local fairs and events. Know who is making the rules that govern your daily life.

  5. Learn from more politically savvy friends. Talk with friends who know more about the law and politics. Ask for their insights and get them to explain complex topics. Look for people who have credentials, not just listen to Joe Rogan podcasts and conspiracy theorists.

  6. Question the quality of your political news. Learn about primary and secondary sources. Recognize propaganda techniques. Look for fair and balanced media. Read foreign newspapers for alternative perspectives. Always question your news sources.

Finally, ask yourself these questions:

If I had been alive during slavery, child labor, or World Wars I and II, what role would I have played?What would I have done to help those who could do nothing for me?Am I brave enough to speak up for what is right?Am I willing to be a channel for love?

Spiritual girls are not weak, voiceless, or powerless.

Spiritual girls are powerful, strong, and courageous.

The spiritual journey is not about avoiding discomfort but about confronting fears and knowing there is nothing to fear.

The spiritual journey is about being a vessel for love—and in that process, being empowered to make the world a better place.

Share Your Ideas!

What’s one way you’ve used your voice, skills, or privilege to advocate for justice in your community?

Five Empowering Mantras:

  1. Spirituality demands action, not avoidance.

  2. Justice and love go together.

  3. Courage creates real-world change.

  4. Stand up, speak out, transform.

  5. Your voice, your power, use it.

Podcasters, YouTubers & TV Producers: Invite Leslie To Your Show!

Leslie Juvin-Acker brings deep insight, bold conversation, and real-world experience to every discussion.
Leslie Juvin-Acker brings deep insight, bold conversation, and real-world experience to every discussion.

Are you a podcaster, YouTuber, or television producer looking for a dynamic guest who speaks on women in business, politics, and intuition in politics? Leslie Juvin-Acker brings deep insight, bold conversation, and real-world experience to every discussion. Invite Leslie to your platform and inspire your audience with transformative dialogue. Let’s make an impact together!

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