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The Good Life

with Leslie Juvin-Acker

Known for her unparalleled insights and transformative strategies, Leslie has worked with A-list celebrities and high-powered executives alike.


But after years of guiding others toward success, she’s decided to share her own journey and experiences through her blog, "The Good Life."

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Finding Balance: Leslie Juvin-Acker’s Holistic Fitness Philosophy [VIDEO]

Leslie Juvin-Acker in the waters of Cabo San Lucas
A fit body is built on love for movement and enjoying life.

Leslie Juvin-Acker is not just a beacon of style and empowerment; she also embodies a holistic approach to fitness that integrates physical activity, nutrition, mental well-being, and self-care. As she navigates the complexities of life, including the transitions of perimenopause, Leslie has developed a fitness philosophy that prioritizes balance and self-acceptance.

Embracing Movement in Daily Life

Leslie Juvin-Acker riding a bike in the jungle with child riding a bike behind her
Leslie is able to ride a mountain bike in the jungles of the Yucatan thanks to 15 minutes a day of spin biking

For Leslie, staying active is not confined to the gym. “I make sure to walk at least 3 miles a day,” she shares. Whether she’s walking her dogs, playing with her kids, cleaning the house, or tending to her beloved garden, movement is woven into her daily routine. Nature walks with her husband serve as both exercise and a moment of connection, reminding her that fitness can be enjoyable and fulfilling.

In addition to her daily steps, Leslie emphasizes the importance of high-intensity exercise. “I make sure to get in 40 minutes of high-intensity exercise a day,” she explains. This includes a combination of spinning, HIIT functional strength training, and blending yoga and Pilates to maintain a lean physique without bulk. This diverse approach not only keeps her body engaged but also helps prevent workout monotony.

Nutrition: Balance Over Restriction

Leslie Juvin-Acker smiling with a slice of pizza in her hand
Leslie Juvin-Acker doesn't believe in starving yourself for beauty

Leslie’s commitment to fitness is also reflected in her dietary choices. “I watch my calorie intake. It's essential to stay trim otherwise, I look like a baby body builder,” she notes, acknowledging her body’s tendency to bulk up quickly. With a height of just 5 feet 1 inch, she is mindful of her nutrition, opting for nutrient-dense meals while still allowing herself the pleasures of pizza and pasta.

“I don’t drink my calories, so sugary drinks are out, but I do enjoy a glass of wine with chocolate on occasion,” she adds. This philosophy of balance rather than deprivation allows her to enjoy her favorite foods while maintaining her fitness goals.

Cultivating a Positive Body Image

Central to Leslie’s fitness philosophy is the importance of body image. “It's important to have a vision of the type of body you want to have,” she asserts. For her, the ideal is embodied in the image of a cheerleader—strong, optimistic, joyful, and full of life. This vision serves as a motivating factor in her fitness journey, empowering her to embrace her body and its capabilities.

Stress Management Through Movement

Leslie recognizes that physical fitness extends beyond the body and into mental well-being. When faced with stress, she doesn’t freeze; she moves. “If I feel stressed, I get up, get moving, exercise, walk, and use that movement to work through my mental blocks or trapped emotions,” she explains.

This proactive approach to stress management is complemented by her practice of seeking expert guidance through counseling, highlighting the importance of mental health in achieving overall wellness.

Navigating Perimenopause with Care

As Leslie transitions through the perimenopause phase of life, she prioritizes her health by staying informed about her body’s changes. “I had to ensure I take my vitamins and watch my hormones,” she shares.

Regular blood tests and consultations with women’s health professionals have become essential components of her routine, allowing her to adapt her fitness and wellness strategies to her evolving needs.

The Importance of Rest and Recovery

In Leslie’s world, sleep is non-negotiable. “I plan for 8 hours of sleep a night,” she states. Recognizing the critical role sleep plays in physical and mental health, she emphasizes that rest is essential for recovery and well-being. If she doesn’t feel good, she listens to her body and adjusts her routine accordingly, understanding that self-care is as vital as exercise.

A Temple of Wellness

“Nobody is going to take care of your body, but you,” Leslie asserts. She views the body as a temple, emphasizing the need for a strong foundation for optimal health and energy.

“The better you feel, the better you look,” she adds, highlighting the interconnectedness of nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and support in achieving a healthy, beautiful body.

With the help of her Apple Watch, Leslie tracks her health trends, ensuring she remains accountable to her fitness goals. “There are no excuses when the numbers don’t lie,” she states, reinforcing the importance of self-discipline and awareness in her wellness journey.

Leslie Juvin-Acker Takes A Holistic Approach to Fitness

Leslie Juvin-Acker’s fitness philosophy is a powerful reminder that wellness is multifaceted. By embracing movement, nurturing her body with balanced nutrition, prioritizing mental health, and honoring the need for rest, she creates a harmonious lifestyle that reflects her values and aspirations. Through her journey, Leslie inspires women to take charge of their health, proving that true fitness encompasses body, mind, and spirit.

Summary of the Article:

Leslie Juvin-Acker’s holistic fitness philosophy integrates movement, balanced nutrition, mental well-being, and self-care. She stays active through daily routines, including walking, high-intensity workouts, and outdoor activities. Leslie values a balanced diet, avoiding sugary drinks, and prioritizes mental health by using exercise for stress management. As she navigates perimenopause, she ensures proper health monitoring with vitamins, hormone care, and expert guidance. With a focus on body positivity and recovery, Leslie promotes a healthy lifestyle, encouraging women to embrace wellness in both body and mind.

Unlock the Good Life with Leslie Juvin-Acker: Emotional Intelligence Expert, Author, and Celebrity Life Coach

Leslie Juvin-Acker is a renowned emotional intelligence expert, celebrated author, and life coach to top executives and celebrities. With years of experience helping people transform their lives, Leslie specializes in guiding individuals to tap into their true potential and achieve emotional freedom. Her books and videos provide practical tools to unlock emotional intelligence and create a balanced, fulfilling life.

By reading Leslie's insightful books or watching her empowering videos, you can begin your journey to the "Good Life." Leslie also offers life-changing speaking engagements, where she inspires audiences to break free from limiting beliefs and cultivate a life of joy, success, and personal empowerment.

Whether you're a leader, entrepreneur, or simply looking to improve your emotional well-being, Leslie’s wisdom is your guide to living a richer, more authentic life.

Invite Leslie Juvin-Acker to speak at your next event, and discover how emotional intelligence can elevate every aspect of your life.


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